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What is ReSkill?

Our Reskill services help tackle many workforce challenges for our clients. What links all their needs together is the global talent shortage and the ever-changing technology landscape. A fluid jobs market means talent will move jobs to increase their skills and access to new technology. The pace of change means that existing employees’ skills become outdated unless they are continually upskilled and developed. Research suggests that skills generally have a “half-life” of about five years, with more technical skills at just two and a half years. On the other hand, the traditional approach to acquiring talent, such as recruitment is expensive, time-consuming, and doesn’t guarantee short and long-term success. Clients are required to balance their immediate hiring needs with strategic goals requiring a multi-channel approach, while digitalization of business has increased pressure on efficiency gains and reallocated budgets from HR to Technology teams.

The tech skills gap is getting wider, and clients need to adopt a holistic approach and deploy multiple resource strategies to tackle it, which will include experienced hire recruitment, emerging talent recruitment, upskilling existing employees, and reskilling career shifters, to have any chance of outperforming the competition. That is why mthree offers not only ways of attracting a new workforce and reshaping the existing one but also focuses on flexibility and versatility.

Our training pathways and capabilities cover a wide range of technologies as well as banking operational needs, but we also constantly look for ways to upgrade them and launch new ones, like in the case of this service.
